Why does LUME grinder's burr wobble?
Our new pro users will notice that LUME grinder’s ceramic burr slightly wobbles when in action. The burr outer-ring is also movable rather than fixated. These are demonstrated in below two pictures.
Burr wobbling
Movable outer burr ring.
There is a simple explanation for this - after hundreds of hours lab tests, it is discovered that a carefully calibrated “controlled-wobbling” can be compensated by the consistent torque generated by our special grinding motor. Therefore the ground quality won’t suffer. In return, this patented design actually allows physical buffering for the rotating shaft and extend the battery life by up to 20%.
For this unique engineering mechanics to work, users MUST place LUME on a flat surface and do not shake or move it around during the grinding process. Otherwise ground consistency will be affected.
For real life consistency comparison between LUME and other premium hand grinders in the market, please visit this link for details.